Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Painting Fall Colors in Zion National Park

Abbie waiting in the car while I paint.

Canyon Junction Rocks and Weeds - 12x12 Plein air Pastel.

Last week I spent 6 wonderful days, painting and exploring the
beautiful and majestic Zion National Park.
The fall colors were just coming in when we arrived on Sunday,
but by the end of the week, the colors were reaching their peak
with the beautiful yellows and reds.  My brother Bob, and wife
Karen, have recently moved into their new home in Rockville,
which is right outside the park area. 
 Also along with me on the trip 
was my good friend Lilli, and of course my every present companion, 
Abbie, my Labradoodle.  Abbie loved running in the fields by my brothers
home, and looking at the horses in the fields next door. 
"Horse Valley Wash" - 11x14 plein air pastel.
This painting was done just outside the park, in Rockville, near my brothers home.

"The Twin Brothers" 9x12 plein air pastel.

"The Watchman Vista"11x14 Plein air Pastel

"Wire Mesa Vista" 7x18 Plein air pastel.
Another painting done from the front yard of my brothers ' house.

"West Temple Vista"  12x18 plein air pastel.

"Eagle Crags vista"  6x12 plein pastel.

I had a great time painting here in Zion, and will be back to display these and other paintings
during the "Arts toZion Studio Tour" which will be Jan. 19 to 23,2013.
More about this great event in another post.


Anonymous said...

Such an inspirational group of paintings you have created from the Zion National Park area. They reflect the best of Plein Air painting in the moment on location. Simply wonderful, Pat.

Paintings for Sale said...

my great wishes with you your paintaing deserve award

Paintings for Sale said...

my great wishes with you your paintaing deserve award