Saturday, March 5, 2011

PAAR Paint out - Exhibition reception

The PAAR paint out exhibition opened last light with a wonderfully attended reception and awards ceremony. I was so pleased to be chosen for the award of "Best use of Color" for my pastel of "Rocks and weeds,II". This is the second time I have painted this grouping of rocks that are at the Martha McLean Anza Narrows, in Riverside. These rocks always seem to call me, and they always look different each time I look at them. I think one reason I am so attracted to them is they are all very large boulders, with different type of lichen on them, and the weeds growing between them are also very interesting. Funny that rocks should be so much fun, but I do like to paint them. The show is at: Riverside Arts Project Gallery, at the Riverside Plaza, at 3545 Central Ave., Suite 508, Riverside, CA, and will be up through May 4th, 2011.. Thanks go out to the Riverside Arts Council who operate the gallery, and sponsored the PAAR paint out Exhibition. There are so many beautiful paintings at the gallery, you must come to see the show, and see the beautiful paintings of the Riverside landscape rendered by the PAAR artists. And of course while you are there, check out my award winner, and also a Quick draw painting I have in the show.


Deborah K said...

Congratulations on the award, Pat. Nice composition in the painting.

Rita Pacheco said...

Beautiful painting Pat! and I would agree that your use of color is outstanding!