Sunday, April 17, 2011

More paintings from the cruise..

"Kauai lookout" 6x6 plain air pastel.

"Nawiliwili harbor vista"- 5x7 plein air pastel.

"Maui vista afternoon vista" 8x10 plain air pastel.
"Pacific ocean sparkle" 6x6 plein air pastel.

Here are the last four paintings I did while on the cruise to Hawaii. One thing that was always present during this cruise, were the clouds. Some of the days on board ship, it was far to much windy and or rough to paint, however when able, I would go out to our balcony and paint. I did love watching the waves and ocean colors of the pacific. Because our room was at the end of the ship, we also were able to see the water behind the ship which of course was other colors than the ultramarine blue in most of the water. A truly fun experience to try to paint the ocean while cruising.

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